Student Assistantships (SA)

Program or Project Assistant (PA)expand_more

Program or Project Assistant: Is a graduate student enrolled in a UW System institution who is employed to assist with research, training, or other academic programs or projects at the UW-Madison.

PA Recruitment Policy

Departments are required to recruit for new PA positions. Positions should be announced on the student job center website as well as posted on a department bulletin board. A determined interview procedure should follow.

Research Assistant (RA)expand_more

Research Assistant: Is a UW-Madison graduate student whose work is performed primarily to further their own education and training.

Teaching Assistant (TA)expand_more

Teaching Assistant: This title is appropriate for graduate students enrolled in a UW System institution who have been assigned teaching responsibilities in an instructional department under the supervision of an academic staff or faculty member.

Lecturer (SA)expand_more

Lecturer (SA): Provides formal classroom or laboratory instruction in an academic discipline, either independently or under the general supervision of a faculty member. Effective delivery of instructional material, testing and grading are the primary duties of a Lecturer. However, the degree of involvement in course and curriculum development, course scheduling, advising and subject matter expertise differs significantly depending on the prefix. This title can only be used for individuals enrolled in graduate school or in a professional program and the individual’s presence at the university is primarily to be a UW student, not an employee.

This job code is meant to be used for short-term lecturers who are also graduate students. This job code is a Student Assistant title, which allows the person to remain enrolled in their existing graduate benefits.

Pre-doc Trainee/Fellowexpand_more

Fellow: This title is used for a UW-Madison graduate student holding a fellowship which provides freedom to devote full-time to obtaining an advanced degree.

Trainee: This title is used exclusively for UW-Madison students who are supported by a traineeship while pursuing a particular course of study. Traineeships are ordinarily sponsored through an extramural training grant and are designated as traineeships under the terms of the grant.

Student Assistantship Tools and Resources

Student Assistantship Policies