Training Grants and Fellowships


Training Grants and Fellowships are intended to support graduate students and postdoctoral researchers as they pursue their research and training goals.

  • Fellowships are awarded to support individual students and postdocs, under the mentorship of an identified faculty PI.
  • Training grants support a graduate training program and are intended to support multiple graduate students and/or postdocs pursuing research and careers  in the area of the training program.

Training Grant & Fellowship Program Resources

The information below is primarily for institutional programs. For information about individual fellowship programs, we recommend using campus grant-seeking resources for a specific sponsor, scientific area of study, or other criteria unique to your situation.

NIH Kirschstein NRSA Training Grants & Fellowships

IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship)

USDA National Needs Fellowship (NNF) Program

Additional Fellowship Resources

UW-Madison Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Finding Funding Databases: InfoEd/SPIN or PIVOT.

On any of the search sites, enter “Fellowship” as a key word.  Add further search criteria specific to your area of interest and type of fellowship sought.

UW-Madison Graduate School Office of Fellowships and Funding Resources

CALS-managed Graduate Fellowships


Contact the CALS Research Administrator for your department with questions about budgeting, routing, and submission of training grants and fellowships.