Pay Basis Conversions

General information

  • Contact your CALS HR Manager to discuss pay basis conversion for any employee
  • Pay basis for an employee should be appropriate for the duties for which the person is normally responsible
  • Conversion of an employee’s appointment from one pay basis to another (e.g., annual to academic) should occur infrequently
  • Employee long-term responsibility changes might warrant a pay basis change
  • Clear justification of why a pay basis change is being requested, including benefit/impact to both unit and employee is required
  • Temporary changes in duties should be facilitated without pursuing a pay basis change (e.g., extend length of time an academic pay basis person will work in a fiscal year, such as teaching in Summer, may be handled by use of a summer appointment)

Timing of conversions

  • Pay basis changes may only occur:
    • A to C – at the beginning of the academic year or at the beginning of the spring semester
    • C to A – at the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1) or half-way through the fiscal year (January 1)

Submission of change requests

  • JEMS Rate/Title change system is used for entry/review/approval of all pay basis requests
  • Clear justification of why a pay basis change is being requested, including benefit/impact to both unit and employee is required
