Research Protocols
Animal Use
Research Animal Resources and Compliance (RARC) is the administrative home of our campus animal care program. Quick links to protocol help, training, animal use policies are available on the next page.
Human Subjects
The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) provides oversight for all research activities involving human participants at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The HRPP is not an office, but rather a collective effort of all who participate in the conduct, review, approval and facilitation of human participants research at UW–Madison. Quick Links are available on the next page.
Biological Safety
The OBS is the administrative office of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), which reviews research activities involving biologically hazardous materials and/or recombinant DNA molecules/organisms. Quick links to contacts, protocol help and staff training is available on the next page.
Stem Cells
The Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO) Committee provides oversight for all research on campus. Go to the next page for quick links to stem cell research information.
Regulatory Compliance
Outside Activity Reports
In order to identify potential or actual conflicts of interests, faculty and academic staff must annually disclose outside activities and financial interests related to their field(s) of work at UW-Madison via an Outside Activities Report (OAR). Quick links available on the next page.
Occupational Health
The Occupational Health Program (OHP) is dedicated to the continuous improvement of occupational health and safety by serving as a technical and professional resource for the UW-Madison campus community. Quick links are available on the next page.
Responsible Conduct of Research
Ethics are fundamental to all academic research. They foster the trust necessary for complex institutions of modern research to function. In particular, researchers’ behavior must inspire their colleagues’ trust in their research results and the public’s trust that the information created through university research is reliable and that public funding of research is valuable. Quick links to training are available on the next page.
Chemical Safety
The Chemical Safety Office also helps chemical users develop best practices to comply with federal, state, and local chemical and environmental safety laws. Quick links to policy, training and chemical hygiene plan available on the next page.