Capital Exercise

Funding not available for FY24

Send priority lists to Casey Hillmer:


The Hatch and Hatch/Multisate capital exercise is an opportunity to fund requests for major items used to support these research programs, per the following guidelines:

  • Requested items must directly benefit Hatch and Hatch/Multistate project research.
  • A 50% match is required. Eligible match/leverage: Dairy Industry Hub capacity-building equipment call can be used towards match if the proposal is also selected for funding by the Hub. Funding decisions for the Hub capital equipment RFP are made separately from Hatch equipment RFP and therefore, alternative match funding should be available. Link to DIH RFP:
  • Multiple-user equipment benefiting several investigators receives priority consideration.
  • Requests for standard desktop/laptop computers receive low priority.
  • Equipment costing less than $5,000 will be considered, even though these items fall into the “Supplies and Expenses” category, as defined by campus.

Campus Memo: Memo

Priority List (excel): Priority List (When this is opened, error message will pop-up, just click Yes)

This opportunity announcement (if offered) is distributed in September of each year, and requests are due in November. Please contact Casey Hillmer with any questions.