Review Process

The Associate Dean for Research, in consultation with the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) reviews all proposals.

Review Materials

The following forms are used during the review process:

Review Schedule

SeptemberInitial meeting of the review panel.
SeptemberPI proposal submission deadline
September-OctoberProposals are distributed to the reviewers assigned to each proposal.
NovemberAll reviews are due from the reviewers to prepare for the review session.
November-DecemberReview session to discuss, evaluate, and rank proposals.
JanuaryFunding decisions are announced to all applicants.
MarchPIs with approved proposals requiring Biological Safety, Animal Care, and Human Subjects protocol approvals should begin preparing and submitting the necessary forms.
AprilNIFA NRS forms are set-up for all approved proposals and completion is requested from PIs.
July-AugustNew projects are set-up in WISER.
August-SeptemberPIs and department will be notified of project numbers and budget.
OctoberNew projects begin.