Other Multi-State Projects

In CALS, you do not have to submit a multi-state capacity grant to join a multi-state group. Use the below NIMSS link to view active projects or connect with Casey Hillmer to find a group that best fits your research program.


Guide to Using NIMSS

To View a Multistate project using NIMSS as a Registered Member:

  1. Go to the National Information Management Support System at https://nimss.org
  2. Sign in with email and password or click New User at the top right of the page
  3. Click Projects in left tab
  4. Either click View all projects or project search

To View a Multistate Project using NIMSS as a Guest:

  1. Go to the National Information Management Support System at https://nimss.org
  2. Enter the project you would like to view (i.e., NC, W, S, etc.) and click Search
  3. Once you find the group you are looking for, click View

To Create an Appendix E for a Proposed Project:

Please Contact Casey Hillmer at casey.hillmer@wisc.edu to add your participation to a proposed multistate project.


Contact Chris Hamilton at (608) 262-2349 or christina.hamilton@wisc.edu if you have questions about the use of NIMSS.

Contact Casey Hillmer at (608) 262-2397 or casey.hillmer@wisc.edu if you have questions about your participation.