Routing Guidance Tool

Looking for guidance on how to process various items? Enter your topic in the search field below. If you do not find what you need, reach out to CALS Business Services.

How do I...Responsible AreaResourcesRoute Method
90-Day Accountable Plan Exception Request form (CALS version required)CALS Business ServicesOne-Time Exception FormDepartment Chair, Department Accountant, Sandy Peterson
Additional Project ID under an Existing Award (Subproject)Research DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE to assigned CALS Post-Award Accountant via RAMP
Alcohol PermitCALS Facilities
Doug Sabatke
Assetworks AccessCALS Buisness ServicesVisit Canvas, first, for training and form AssetWorks Canvas Course. Then route to Sandy Peterson. Sandy P. will sign and return for you to upload and answer questions at AssetWorks Access RequestSandy Peterson
Business Associates AgreementResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP Record. If a Business Associate Agreement is part of a Funded Research Agreement, the Business Associate Agreement must be in its own record for tracking purposes for the Provost.ROUTE in RAMP
Capital Equipment Outgoing LoansResearch DivisionCapital Equipment informationResearch Division Agreements Team
Capital Equipment Request for Authorization to Transfer/Sell University Property to a Departing Employee's New InstitutionCALS Business ServicesFollow the procedure outlined here, and complete this form. The form needs to be signed by the departing employee, the department chair, and Angie Seitler.
Carryover Request (if formal request requried by sponsor)Research DivisionSee Award Notice; depends on sponsor - Letter, email, or formYour CALS Post-Award Accountant for review and approval
Certificates of Liability Insurance RequestRisk ManagementEmail Risk Management, 21 N Park St
Change in Senior/Key Personnel (non-PI) - If key person is *not* listed in the Notice of Award on a Sponsored Project (133, 144, etc.)Research DivisionSee Award Notice; depends on sponsor - Letter, email, or formYour CALS Post-Award Accountant for review and approval
Change in Senior/Key Personnel (non-PI) - If key person listed in the Notice of Award on a Sponsored Project (133, 144, etc.)Research DivisionSee Award Notice; depends on sponsor - Letter, email, or form. Will need to submit commitment update form after sponsor approvalYour CALS Post-Award Accountant for review and approval
Check DepositsCALS Business ServicesCheck Deposit FormDeliver to CALS Business Services Office lockbox in the lower level mailroom of Ag Hall
Clinical Trial AddResearch DivisionAward SummaryPaper delivery/mail to RSP Revenue Management Team
Clinical Trial First CheckResearch DivisionExisting RAMP recordAttach in RAMP and paper delivery/mail to RSP Revenue Management Team
Closeout Report (except NIH) - If institution approval is requiredResearch DivisionTypically sponsor form. Work with RSP and CALS Post-Award Accountant to completeYour CALS Post-Award Accountant, wo will forward to RSP
Closeout Report (except NIH) - If no institution approval is requiredResearch DivisionTypically sponsor form. Work with RSP and CALS Post-Award Accountant to completePI or department can send to Sponsor
Competing ContinuationResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Compliance ChangesCALS Compliance Specialist
Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA)Research DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Continuation (NIH look at Progress Report-RPPR) - If the Sponsor requires budget, statement of costs, or institution approvalResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP record (or existing)ROUTE in RAMP (or APPROVAL in existing)
Continuation (NIH look at Progress Report-RPPR) - If the Sponsor requires only technical progress report with no institution approvalPrincipal Investigator or Department DesigneePI send to Sponsor
Contract or AgreementResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP record (or existing)ROUTE in RAMP (or APPROVAL in existing)
Corporate CardCALS Business ServicesCorporate Card information and applicationSubmit via electronic system
Correction of Data or Budget Amount (not yet awarded)Research DivisionStill part of proposal, agreement, or award set-up stage
Correction of Data or Budget Amount (under and existing Award)Research DivisionEmail your CALS Post-AwardAccountant. *See Rebudgeted Award sectionYour CALS Post-Award Accountant
Cost Sharing Change/FixesResearch DivisionCost Share/Commitment Update FormYour CALS Post-Award Accountant, who will send on to RSP
Data Use AgreementResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP Record. If a Data Use Agreement is part of a Funded Research Agreement, the Data Use Agreement must be in its own record for tracking purposes for the Provost. Data Use is used as defined in HIPAA.ROUTE in RAMP
Department Change - Active AwardResearch DivisionNeeds CALS CFO approval; Request to Transfer Award/ProposalAngie Seitler
Department Change - Award Level and/or Project Level ownership of sponsored fundsResearch DivisionEmail your CALS Post-Award Accountant
Department Change - Gift FundingCALS Business ServicesEmail Ann Bourque
Department Change - Non-sponsored/Non-gift FundingCALS Business ServicesEmail Ann Bourque
Direct Payment (DP) via ShopUW+CALS Business ServicesDP InstructionsShopUW+ Requester, Division Approver (levels 1-3), Purchasing Agent
E-Reimbursement approver accessCALS Business Servicese-Reimbursement Approver/Auditor Request FormEmail completed form to Sandy Peterson
Effort Commitment Updates - If individual is listed in the Notice of Award - AND- the reduction is greater than 25% of the original commitment Research DivisionPrepare letter to be sent to sponsor for approval. Also complete a Commitment Update Form after sponsor approvalEmail letter and form to your CALS Post-Award Accountant for submission to RSP
Effort Commitment Updates - If individual is listed in the Notice of Award - AND- the reduction is not greater than 25% of the original commitment Research DivisionComplete a Commitment Update FormYour CALS Post-Award Accountant
Effort Commitment Updates - If individual is not listed in the Notice of Award Research DivisionNo commitment should be entered for those not listed on the NoA. No update is needed. More info (PDF)
F&A Waiver Request (after the award; very rare)Research DivisionStart by contacting your CALS Post-Award Accountant
F&A Waiver Request (as part of proposal process)Research DivisionCreate new RAMP record (or existing)ROUTE in RAMP (or APPROVAL in existing)
Fee-for-Service AgreementResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Financial Report for Sponsored ProjectsResearch DivisionNo action - RSP will processEmail RSP Accountant
Funded Collaborative Research AgreementResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Funded Research AgreementResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Funding Edits Changes - Gift ProjectsCALS Business ServicesUse Change Project Edits Feature at Ann Bourque
Funding Edits Changes - Non-sponsored/Non-gift ProjectsCALS Business ServicesEmail Ann Bourque
Funding Edits Changes - Sponsored ProjectsResearch DivisionEmail your CALS Post-Award Accountant
Gift Deposit - Mailing ChecksCALS Business ServicesGift Routing Mail to UW Foundation, US Bank Lockbox 78807, Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807
Inter-departmental Billing (non-AR/BI)CALS Business ServicesInter-d Billing FormDeposit into Google Drive
Inter-departmental Billing Access (non-AR/BI)CALS Business ServicesEmail Sandy Peterson
Intergovernmental Personnel Assignment (IPA) AgreementResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
JIT and other agency follow upResearch DivisionExisting RAMP recordAPPROVAL in RAMP
Material Transfer Agreement (Incoming & Outgoing)Research DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Modification to Agreement or Award Terms & Conditions - Mod received by campus (for the above tasks)Research DivisionCreate new RAMP RecordROUTE in RAMP (or APPROVAL in existing)
Modification to Agreement or Award Terms & Conditions - Mod received by RSP - Adding Time & Money that was not part of the original proposal Research DivisionCreate new WISPER RecordIf a record does not exist already, RSP will create a WISPER record to facilitate proper campus approvals
Modification to Agreement or Award Terms & Conditions - Mod received by RSP - Adding Time & Money that was part of the original proposal (incrementally funded) Research DivisionCreate new RAMP RecordIf signatures are needed, RSP will create a RAMP record to facilitate.
New Application/ProposalResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
NIH Loan RepaymentResearch DivisionEmail College and School Research Contacts
No-Cost ExtensionResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP - NCE Instruction
Non-employee Profile Change RequestCALS Business ServicesNon-employee Profile Change Request FormYour CALS Accountant
Non-employee Profile Setup and/or Change RequestCampus Business ServicesNon-employee Profile Setup & Change FormRoutes through SFS
Non-Funded Research Related Agreement (e.g. data sharing, non-funded collaboration, etc.)Research DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Official Functions and Expense Pre-AuthorizationCALS Business ServicesOfficial Functions FormPrior approval: email your completed form to Sandy Peterson
Payment to Individual (PIR) via ShopUW+CALS Business ServicesPIR InstructionsShopUW+ Requester, Division Approver (levels 1-3), Purchasing Agent
PI Change (at the UW) on a Sponsored Project (133, 144, etc.)Research DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
PI Change on a Non-Sponsored Project (233)CALS Business ServicesEmail Ann Bourque
Pre-Award Question after award setupResearch DivisionEmailEmail
Pre-Proposal - If the Sponsor does not require budget or institution approvalResearch DivisionPI send to Sponsor
Pre-Proposal - If the Sponsor requires budget or institution approvalResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Prior approval for spousal expensesCALS Business ServicesOfficial Functions FormEmail completed form to Sandy Peterson
Progress Report (Final)Principal Investigator or Department DesigneeElectronic document typically via sponsor's system, Business Services typically gets involved when past dueEmail RSP Accountant or upload to sposnor's system
Progress Report (Interim)Electronic documentEmail RSP Accountant
Progress Report (Interim) - NIH Research Performance Progress Report -RPPR - nonSNAPResearch DivisionnonSNAP – New RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Progress Report (Interim) - NIH Research Performance Progress Report -RPPR - SNAPResearch DivisionSNAP – No RAMP recordROUTE in eRA Commons
Progress Report (Interim) - Required for Renewal/ContinuationResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Project ID addition (after the award)Research DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Project in Advance of Award - If a new project is requiredResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP record (or existing)ROUTE in RAMP (or APPROVAL in existing)
Project in Advance of Award - If requesting a subsequent year of fundingResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP record (or existing)ROUTE in RAMP (or APPROVAL in existing)
Purchasing Card Application and UpdatesCampus Business ServicesPurchasing Card Application instructionsRoutes via SFS
Purchasing Card Non-Compliant Transaction Acknowledgement formCampus Business ServicesPurchasing Card Non-Compliant Transaction Acknowledgement formPurchasing cardholder to site manager
Rebudget Request of awarded award - If reallocating within the bottom line of previously awarded budgetResearch DivisionSee Award Notice. Depends on sponsor; Letter, note, or emailYour CALS Post-Award Accountant
Rejection Notice (Unfunded Proposal)Research DivisionExisting RAMP recordAPPROVAL in RAMP
Relinquishment or Termination for Sponsored FundingResearch DivisionSee Award Notice. Differs by sponsor; letter, note, or relinquishment statementYour CALS Post-Award Accountant
Relocation Authorization Letter (faculty only, college funded)CALS Business ServicesComplete this form.Ann Bourque
Request to Reimburse Applicant Interview ExpensesCALS Business ServicesNo longer mandatory - form used at the discretion of departments (use Official Functions Form for spousal expenses)
Residual Balance RequestResearch DivisionRSP - Residual Balances
CALS Business Services - Fixed Price Sponsored Projects
Use RSP tool and list CALS accountant as Dean’s Office approver.
Resubmission/ProposalResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Revised Budget Changes During Proposal or agreement process - If adjusting the bottom line total amount of a pending applicationResearch DivisionExisting RAMP recordAPPROVAL in RAMP
Sponsored Project (133, 144) Payment - paper checkResearch DivisionMail to RSP Lockbox
Sponsored Project Check/AwardResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordAttach in RAMP and paper delivery/mail to RSP Revenue Management Team
Student Award PaymentsCALS Business ServicesStudent Award Payment FormYour Business Services Accountant
Subaward Addition (after the award)Research DivisionLetter to sponsor requesting rebudget, addition of subSubaward Portal; work with RSP accountant
SupplementResearch DivisionCreate new RAMP recordROUTE in RAMP
Termination from SponsorResearch DivisionLetter, noteEmail RSP Accountant
Terra Dotta access requestsCALS Human Resources approves for Dean's level
Transfer (Institutional) (aka relinquishment)Research DivisionYour CALS Post-Award Accountant
Trust Fund (161 and 162) creation, changes, and closeoutTrust Fund Office trust fund staff:
WISER accessCALS Business ServicesWISER Access Authorization FormEmail to Sandy Peterson
WFAA accessCALS Business ServicesAngie Seitler (please use WFAA - Last Name, First Name in email subject line)
WFAA check requestsCALS Business ServicesCALS Gift Contact Cheryl Gabel for assistance