Grant Development

CALS Grant Development

Proposal Development

Budget Building

Proposal Submission

Grant Matchmaking


The Grant Development Specialist tracks open funding opportunities in a database located in the “Funding Opportunity Announcements” tab and can assist you with utilizing search tools tailored to your specific research and help match your interests to funding programs.

Funding Opportunity Announcements

Grant Schedules

Coming soon.

Writing Resources

List of Collaborators (conflict of interest)

Mentoring Plans

Letters of Collaboration

Data Management Plans

Writing Courses/Services

Collaboration Resources


Ensure sufficient planning for an upcoming proposal submission; learn about CALS lead time policy under the Planning tab. Additional resources coming soon.



Find current budget templates in addition to RSP Budget Development Tools. Additional resources coming soon.


Guidance on Subawards.

Cost Share

Guidance on Cost Share.


Guidance on PI Status & Effort. Additional resources coming soon.

PI Status & Effort

Tenure-track faculty members automatically have PI Status which can be granted to academic staff in three ways (one-time limited, blanket limited, and permanent; see PI Status Guidelines and Procedures).

Faculty and staff must certify their own effort and may also be responsible for certifying the effort of research staff.


Find all templates referenced on this page here. Current resources include CALS Budget Templates, Grants.Gov RR-Family Templates, and Proposal Document Templates. Additional resources coming soon.

CALS Budget Templates

Grants.Gov RR-Family Templates

  • Grants.Gov RR-Family Templates are available on the web. If submitting system-to-system (S2S), these “forms” will be an inherent component of the S2S and not require PDF attachment.