- September 29, 2022 Meeting for CALS Extension Faculty and StaffThe next CALS Extension faculty and staff meeting will be Thursday, September 29, from 1:00pm-2:30pm. The meeting will take place in Upper Carson Gulley, 1515 Tripp Circle. For those who will attend virtually, the Zoom information will be shared via email. An agenda will be available the week prior to the meeting.
- CALS Extension Reporting Requirements for 2018Reporting your extension activities for calendar year 2018 will be required for you to be eligible for 2019 compensation exercises. This does not apply to the 2% adjustment that was approved in 2018 to take effect in January of 2019, but does apply to the exercises that are underway for compensation adjustments to be made… Read more: CALS Extension Reporting Requirements for 2018
- Update on Extension funding to CALSThe College of Agricultural and Life Sciences was assessed a cut of about eight percent in the funds transferred from Cooperative Extension as a result of the UW System budget cut imposed in 2015. The college realized nearly three percent of this cut in fiscal years 15–19, primarily by eliminating four vacant Extension-funded faculty positions, with… Read more: Update on Extension funding to CALS
- CALS Extension Faculty and Staff News and Reporting RequestExtension Reporting: It’s not perfect, but it’s getting better. Have a go at entering your participant records for the first half of 2018. Note that the entry form has been modified to allow you to enter participant records if you did not collect demographic data. There is also a request for an outcome statement, so… Read more: CALS Extension Faculty and Staff News and Reporting Request
- A New Vision for Extension and Outreach at CALSBy now, news has probably reached you that UW Cooperative Extension has undergone a major internal reorganization called the nExt Generation project. You’ve also likely heard that, as of July, Cooperative Extension will once again be housed within UW–Madison. These changes are happening at the same time as a major redesign effort in CALS. This… Read more: A New Vision for Extension and Outreach at CALS